The Pros & Cons of your Daily Brew - What’s Your Safe Daily Intake of Coffee ?

If you told me I couldn’t drink my precious cup of liquid gold each morning, I might just cry. Not because I’m a lunatic caffeine addict, but because of the many other special happenings associated with the morning cuppa. Simply just the smell of coffee is so alluring. Then there’s routine of getting out to buy a coffee, a break from the busy day, something to really look forward to, an opportunity to be social and an excuse to catch up with friends.

Coffee and caffeine has received a plethora of varying messages over the years leaving many a little confused if their daily brew is the way to go or not. So here’s the deal:

Coffee Pros:

  • A milky coffee is often the only consistent serving of dairy some have every day

  • There has been no associated found with coffee consumption and increased risk of death from any cause (cancer, cardiovascular disease)

  • Coffee may protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and some liver conditions

  • Coffee may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Improved physical endurance

Coffee Cons:

  • It is addictive

  • It’s less about the coffee and more about what you ADD to the coffee – sugar, full fat milk, syrups and artificial sweeteners. Some coffee orders can be the same calories as a substantial meal

  • Pregnant women and people with difficulty controlling blood pressure need to limit their caffeine intake

  • For someone with high ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, filtered or instant coffee is best as the oily cafestol found in boiled Turkish, French Press coffee is higher and stimulates LDL cholesterol

So what’s the right amount of caffeine for you?

Everyone has a different tolerance or threshold to caffeine. If you experience the jitters, lay awake at night with your eyes wide open or generally feel more anxious and uncomfortable, you’re drinking too much coffee. A safe intake however is around 400mg caffeine per day.

Amount of caffeine for each style of coffee:

  • Instant coffee 150mL cup = 60-100mg caffeine

  • Espresso coffee (1 shot) = 40-90mg caffeine

  • Drip percolated 150mL cup = 100-150mg caffeine

  • Decaf coffee = 3mg caffeine

NutritionJaime Chambers