5 De-stressors That Take Less Than 10 Minutes

In this crazy busy world, sometimes even thinking about doing something to de-stress is stressful. Plus it often takes time and time is what we’re always lacking. So here are a few very simple de-stressors that can take less than just 10 minutes.

  1. Take Deep, Long Breaths. Close your eyes and take a big, long deep breath in, and gently let it out again until there’s no air left in your lungs. Repeat this several times. This dampens our stress response and helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows our body to relax.

  2. Go for a walk. It can be a stroll or a speedy powerwalk – either way, getting up and moving can help release mood enhancing endorphins, allow us time to clear our head and can have a meditative effect.

  3. Turn Off Your Electronic Devices. Make a time in the evening or a day of the week where you switch off all electronic devices such as phones, iPads and computers. Electronic devices can increase stress and make it very difficult to switch off from the demands of the day. Plus the light they emit can disrupt our sleep patterns.

  4. Spend Time With Someone You Love. Organise to meet a friend or family member who makes you smile and whom you can be yourself with and have a good chat with. This may help to reduce our stress hormone, cortisol.

  5. Do What Ever You Feel Like. There’s no right and wrong way to de-stress; some people find gardening is excellent where as others like to just tune out with a magazine. Follow the path of least resistance and go with what you really feel like doing, not what you think you should be doing.

NutritionJaime Chambers