How to Lose Baby Weight, Without Dieting - from a Dietician

While I was pregnant, I was fascinated by the inevitable weight gain that happens to women during pregnancy and the different experiences they had, even down to each pregnancy. Now out the other end of that (phew!) and with a three-month-old little cherub, my focus has shifted to losing baby weight and how as a Dietitian I can help other women by what I experience, lose baby weight safely, without ‘dieting.’

It’s awfully tempting to get back onto the intensive dieting bandwagon once baby comes, to get back to feeling like your old self again and into those old pre-pregnancy jeans. But this can have some serious implications, such as lowering milk supply if you’re breastfeeding and compromising your physical recovery after the marathon that is giving birth.

Here are a few of my top tips:

1.     Make one nap time, walk time

Babies sleep A LOT. As a new Mum, it’s important to rest when baby does particularly in the early weeks. Once I felt up to it (ie. got the courage to take my previous bundle in the pram and didn’t feel like I was going to break him or me/ pass out/ wee myself), I picked one of his naps that I felt the most energetic, put bub in the pram and off we went. As the weeks went on, I got more confident and bub got more used to the pram and I found that those naps became more regulated. I could almost guarantee he’d have a 9am nap every day so I’d head out around 8.30am and before I knew it, he’d be fast asleep. Disclaimer: This is working for us right now but I fully recognise it’ s not always that easy!

2.     Don’t be fooled, you can’t eat what ever you want while you’re breastfeeding!

This is a common misconception during both pregnancy and breastfeeding. From my observation in clinic, it is often the reason many women gain excess weight during pregnancy and find losing baby weight difficult. Yes, we definitely need more nutrients and more calories but only the equivalent of one or two extra snacks each day. Focus on NUTRITION and aim to make the healthiest choices you can each time you eat. This strategy alone can help to avoid excessive calories and support sensible weight loss after having a baby.

3.     Take advantage of help

One routine I got into that is working well for us is that whenever my hubby or parents are around, I will take advantage of my free hands and do some food prepping. Nothing fancy, it might be whilst my husband is giving bub a bath in the evening, I will grill some chicken breast and put a few veggies in the steamer, which takes all of 10 minutes. I might even do a double batch so there’s left overs for lunch or dinner the following day. This meal at about 300 calories versus a take away at potentially 600 or more calories will add up as time goes on, creating a small calorie deficit over time and hence, weight loss without compromising on nutrition.